Know what mosquitoes bite more?

Blood type:  Your position in a blood group will also determine how popular you are to mosquitoes.  It is found in the examination that 'O' and 'A' people of blood group more than double the mosquito.  You do not have to eat blood of any group to understand that blood is blood and mosquitoes.  85 percent away from the end, your blood type is confirmed.

Sweat:  Are you sweating excessively or more carbon dioxide from your body?  Then you will say that you are also in the mosquito's favorite food list.
Food:  Depending on the type of food, mosquitoes prefer your blood.  Looks like cheese, pickle, soy, sweet foods and vegetables, who have lactic acid over their blood and skin.  Lactic acid ticks too much to mosquitoes.

Skin properties:  Many times it is seen, because of the skin characteristics, you think mosquitoes are biting you a lot.  Actually, the person next to you may be biting your face or a lot more than you.  But just because of the skin characteristics, she does not understand that she And you understand a lot more.