After finish writing your Movie Script learn how to copyright it in Bangladesh!
1. Make two copies spiral books of your work at A4 Papers including Name of work, Name of maker, Address and Nationality the cover page
of the work book.
2. You will have to pay fee Tk-1000 via treasury chalan at Shonali Bank using the code No: 1-3437-0000-1841 and save the main *copy of payment.
3. You will have to fill up three set forms of Copyright Application.
4. Make a Commitment Paper at non judicial stamp of Tk-300 (Use three pieces of Tk-100 for convenience) including the facts:
2. You will have to pay fee Tk-1000 via treasury chalan at Shonali Bank using the code No: 1-3437-0000-1841 and save the main *copy of payment.
3. You will have to fill up three set forms of Copyright Application.
4. Make a Commitment Paper at non judicial stamp of Tk-300 (Use three pieces of Tk-100 for convenience) including the facts:
- Deceleration of Basic work.
- Deceleration about Cases.
- Carrying responsibilities according to Law.
Then submit All these materials at Copyright Office, Bangladesh.
After two months phone to the office and after issuing the Certificate collect your certificate.